Ravindu Nawanjana

Founder/CEO - CuteFela

Media Unit

Driven by my vision to create a platform that would inform, inspire, and connect individuals within our school community, I embarked on the challenging journey of establishing the media unit. With meticulous planning, relentless dedication, and a team of talented individuals, we brought this vision to life. Together, we navigated through the complexities of building a media unit from the ground up, honing our skills, and fostering an environment of creativity and innovation.

In addition to founding the media unit, I assumed the role of managing the school's social media presence. Through careful curation and compelling storytelling, I sought to showcase the unique qualities of our school, amplify the achievements of our students, and engage with our online audience. It was my responsibility to create a sense of community, foster school pride, and ensure that the content we shared reflected our school's values.

2022 President of the Media Unit

Debate Club

I , too , love to debate . Very often, I will play the devil’s advocate just to hear what the other person will say.

I am convinced that you learn more about your position, and *gasp!* more about “their” position taking the opposing side. In all, if more people did this (not just pretended to do it) our society would be a much more open and loving place to live. 

2022 President of the Debate Club

Theatre Circle

One would assume that given this undying love, I would have been acting since the time I was in school. I didn’t.The actor of passion, as I’d like to call myself and a lot of the people I have worked with in theatre, is a fascinating human. They have perhaps nursed this dream since childhood, when they saw their favourite actor with stars in their eyes. Maybe they auditioned for a production in school or college by accident, got cast and then grew to love the art. Maybe, like me, they had a family member who loved theatre and piqued their interest for it. And then one morning , I woke up to be lead in a story of LES MISÉRABLES.





10m Air-Rifle
Provincial & All-Island


Purple belt in SHITOKAI karate

St.Johns Ambulance

First-Aid Program 


Corporal Navanjana GMADR

